Thursday, January 7, 2010

Sickle Pickle

Here's how it started...

Friday and Saturday:  The most intense migraine I've ever had would not leave me alone.  Even after taking 1600 mg of ibuprofen, I felt like my head was going to explode.  However, there was no evidence of a cold.  Just a horrible non-stop migraine for two days.

Sunday, Monday and the beginning of Tuesday:  The sore throat from hell came about.  It was horrible.  Luckily, it was only a sore throat though.  And nothing I took (all kinds of varieties of cough/cold syrup and even an oral anesthetic) would soothe the throat.  And then I got the idea on tuesday to take my allergy medications to see if that would help.  Who'd have thought?  Not the cold or sore throat stuff worked, but allegra did work.  I was sore throat free and feeling on top of the world.  Maybe the ickiness would go away now.  No such luck...

Tuesday, Wednesday, and probably the rest of the week or weekend:  My nose started to run a little on tuesday.  And then I started feeling congested.  This morning, I felt like I was going to blow up.  I took some pseudoephedrine to ease my congestion.  However, the congestion only got worse.  I know that pseudoephedrine works very well for relieving my congestion.  So that just left me wondering how bad my congestion really was without the meds...  And my congestion has been increasing all day.  I had to take some Mucinex (another allergy medication of mine) to relieve my airway.  And since the nose is either runny or stuffy (fully possible to do both at the same time - my nose is constantly dripping and I can't breathe through it all), I've been sneezing and coughing up a storm.  So, now my throat's irritated from all of the coughing.  And to top it all off, I have that taste in my mouth that lets me know I don't feel good.  Oh, and food tastes like garbage.

I took some codeine an hour ago.  I'm beginning to feel sleepy.  But if I go to sleep, I don't want to wake up to my ickiness.  The mornings are the worst for me (regardless of me being sick or not) for my airway.  So, with the way I'm feeling, I just want to end it all.  I feel like crap.  And therefore, I want everyone else around me to feel like crap.  I'm such a downer...

Oh, funny side note.  Gizmo doesn't know what to think of my cold.  He freaks out every time I cough.  He now hides behind Jared and won't leave Jared's sight.  It was funny when Jared was at work, and Gizmo was left alone with me.  He's a people dog and therefore always has to be in the presence of people.  He wouldn't lay in my lap.  So, he settled at my feet.  And every time I started coughing, he'd jump and get up.  He'd act like he wanted to run away but there was no one there for him to run to and hide.

I don't think I've been this sick since the week I got married.  Ugh...

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