Sunday, March 7, 2010

Trailer Trash

I think I finally understand why the poorest of poor in society are called trailer trash and live in the ghetto.  It's because they're trashy...  I live in subsidized housing; so yes, it's the poorest of poor in society.  And a lot of the families here are single moms (very sad to see).  But I still consider myself living in the ghetto, and I think my newest of neighbors are complete trailer trash.  They all dump trash all over the stairs and outside.  They don't give a shit about the environment.  Some one dropped a glass candle holder on the stairs.  It shattered, and no one has cleaned it up yet.  These mothers don't give a shit about their children's safety, nor do they give a shit about what comes out of their children's mouths (a ten-year-old boy told Jared to "Go F*** Yourself" when he was walking to the car).  Anyways, now that I've associated my apartment complex as the ghetto, let me get to why my neighbors are trailer trash.  They have a sound system that is on 24/7, and it's pretty loud (I can hear the lyrics and usually name the song).  And representatives from the gas company keep stopping by and leaving notices about unpaid bills on the doors.  So, my neighbors can afford a nice sound system that does not belong in an apartment, but they can't pay a friggin gas bill for an apartment?  Obviously, their priorities are skewed.  And they obviously haven't heard of washing their child's mouth out with soap.

Ugh.  This is why I'm getting my degree.  I will not be a trailer trash, single mom.  This is also why I am making sure my marriage is stable before having kids (although this doesn't necessarily equivilate to no divorce because I've seen plenty of people who had kids early and remained together --but I've also seen those who had kids way too soon and didn't stay together).  I don't know.  All I know is I need to take care of myself and my husband before I can deem myself child-bearing ready.  And preferably, I'd like to be in a house before the kids come.

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