Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Last Minute

So, I'm doing what I always do when preparing to jump on a plane and take a mini-vacation.  I procrastinate the packing.  Never fails.  So, this post will be short.  I'm excited to go to Wisconsin, but I think my nerves have finally caught up with me.  I talked with Career Services to help me prepare for this interview, and I think it just helped me feel even less prepared and more freaked out.

I also got a hair cut.  And I'm still trying to get used to it.  Sure, I like trying new hairstyles.  But trying to feel like me with my new hair is kind of hard.  And I need to feel good and confident pretty quickly.  I'm sure I'll get over my hair soon anyways.  It's not like I'm someone who always has to have the perfect looks all of the time...

I took Gizmo to the vet's yesterday because he's been acting like his leg's been hurting.  Long story short, he has arthritis in his leg.  His diet is being changed to special food that helps improve the joints.  And he is now on anti-inflammatory medication (kind of like ibuprofen for dogs).  Anyways, I could tell he knew what the meds were because he's been on then before.  He got super excited.  My dog's addicted to pain killers, haha.  Anyways, he's been doing a lot better since.  He's now running around again and enjoying his walks instead of forcing me to drag him onwards.

Anyways, gotta go.  Got to prepare for everything.  I don't think I'm getting a lot of sleep tonight...

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