Wednesday, February 2, 2011


And here are the pictures post-blizzard.  Let me tell you, trying to run errands before the blizzard starts was not the best idea.  For starters, I got off of work early but right when the blizzard was starting.  We had to drive across town to pick up my car.  We decided to not take the belt line since that's where most of the cars were.  There was one spot where Jared's car got stuck.  It took a few reverse-and-floor-it-forward attempts to get him unstuck.  And then the wind really picked up.  The right turn was 5 feet in front of me and then I could see absolutely nothing.  So, in an attempt to not drive off the road into a snowbank, I almost missed my turn.  Also the road became a one-lane highway since there was three feet of snow covering one side.

And then morning came.  Trying to take the dog potty was horrible.  Three feet of snow everywhere.  Couldn't see the sidewalk.  Walked around a little, and then I noticed there was a big mound of snow covering the parking lot from the garage to the normally small hill.  Needless to say, I worked from home today.  And then we decided to take a few pictures after work before the sun went down...

They shoveled the sidewalk!!

This is supposed to be a comparison picture with the one in my previous post.  You can see how high the snow is now.  It was originally below my knees, now it's above my waist.

The wind sculpts the snow quite well.  My first thoughts when going outside this morning were, "I'm in a freezing Egypt" (because the snow really looks like white sand).

More wind-snow art.

Anyways, we have some good news that we'd like to share...  We have officially paid off our first credit card.  We went to the bank to transfer our other credit card balances to one card with a really good interest rate.  One of the exciting things was finding out that we'll have all of our credit card debt paid off in 1-1.5 years with the rate we're paying them off now.  It was happy news!!  And then we'll be able to start looking into a house.  I'm so excited that we're getting out of debt (slowly but surely)...

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