Saturday, October 9, 2010


I just realized I haven't given a book update since the end of July.  So, here's for my massive book update.  Since finishing school and getting a job to fund my habit, I've been extensively reading as of late...

The Mercy Thompson series (by Patricia Briggs):
Moon Called (Mercy Thompson)   Blood Bound (Mercy Thompson, Book 2)
Iron Kissed (Mercy Thompson, Book 3)   Bone Crossed (Mercy Thompson)
Silver Borne (Mercy Thompson, Book 5)
Another series involving the supernatural. That's what I enjoy.  This series deals with vampires, werewolves, and the fae.  I enjoyed the books.  Her next book comes out in January next year.
River Marked (Mercy Thompson, Book 6)

The Alpha-Omega series (also by Patricia Briggs):
Cry Wolf (Alpha and Omega, Book 1)   Hunting Ground (Alpha & Omega, Book 2)
I enjoyed the Mercy Thompson series more than this one.  Maybe it's because I can connect more to her character rather than the main character in these books.  Unfortunately, the next book for this series doesn't come out until Fall of next year.

The Dark Swan series (by Richelle Mead):
Storm Born (Dark Swan, Book 1)   Thorn Queen (Dark Swan, Book 2)
I very much enjoyed this series.  These are strictly related to faeries (or the Gentry as the book refers to them).  Kind of weird that I liked the bad guy in this series (well, he's only the bad guy inasmuch as he's not human...  so not much of a bad guy other than he wants to take over the human world).  The next book comes out in March of next year.
Iron Crowned

The Hunger Games (by Suzanne Collins):
The Hunger Games: Book 1   Catching Fire (The Second Book of the Hunger Games)
Mockingjay (The Final Book of The Hunger Games)
The second book was by far my favorite.  Usually, it takes me half a book to get into a new series.  So while the first may have been good, I thought the second was better.  The books are about an overpowering government and how people bring an uprising and start a war.  And while I immediately fell in love with one of the main male characters, I despised the other male lead the whole way through the series.  Also, the series does tend to hit a gigantically huge climax and just end.  It took me a week to completely digest all that had happened  and after that, I appreciated some of the characters more (yeah, I'm weird).

The Kushiel series (by Jacqueline Carey):
Kushiel's Dart   Kushiel's Chosen
I am currently reading the second one of the series.  My sister-in-law recommended this series to me.  From what I can tell, there's an original trilogy and then more books follow afterwards from another character's point of view (I could be wrong).  These books involve a lot of political intrigue and are set in what I can tell as the olden days (maybe 100-200 AD - again could be completely wrong).  Oh, and the main character is pretty much a prostitute with a pain fetish (but the author makes it sound a lot better).  I'll let you know if I continue on with the series (the books are huge and take a lot of thought processing to catch the subtle clues).

And here's to the number one book I am anticipating at the end of this year:
Last Sacrifice (Vampire Academy, Book 6)
This one is the last of the Vampire Academy series (by Richelle Mead), and it comes out in December.  This is probably one of my favorite series to read.  And while I recommend these books to everyone, if you plan on starting the series, then start it in November so you don't have to wait too long for the last book...  Super excited!!

So, any recommendations for my next series to start?  Unless my plans change, I'll probably start the Otherworld series by Kelly Armstrong.


  1. I'm so tired of the vampire vs. werewolf obsession. I think Twilight forever ruined that genre for me... but I think I may have to give some of these books a try. David hates when I find a good series however cause all I do is read lol.

    And P.S. the Hunger Games series is phenomenal! I've just started on Mockingjay. I'll let you know what I think. :)

  2. P.S.S. Have you read the Uglies series by Scott Westerfeld? If not I think you will thoroughly enjoy them and I highly recommend them to you.

  3. Yes, I have read the Ugly series. And I absolutely loved the books!

    I would definitely recommend Vampire Academy. The other books, however, are adult-rated. In other words, there are intimate scenes involving more than just kissing. Just fyi in case you don't want to deal with those kinds of books.
