Wednesday, March 31, 2010


We set up our bioreactor yesterday.  We went to inoculate it today.  We started the run and inoculated the reactor.  That was when we realized we forgot to turn the temperature bath on and hook the condenser up to running water.  While attempting to hook up tubes to the water supply and condenser, I noticed the pH wasn't going up to where it was supposed to be.  That's when I noticed that the tube connecting the base to the reactor had a few holes.  That's when I made the connection that base must have gotten onto my gloves and then onto my arm.  No wonder my arm was going red and burning.  So, we had to change the tube with one that didn't have holes.  While trying to pull the tube out, it split open and splashed my face.

So, now it looks like I have half of a black eye, only it's pink instead of black.  My skin is a little swollen.  And it looked like the burns on arm were going to blister.  But they didn't.  I just hope the skin below my eye decides to reduce in swelling sometime soon and not blister...

1 comment:

  1. your post sounds like it's the end of the world with all your reactors and whatnot, haha :)
