Wednesday, April 28, 2010


I got a letter from our health insurance carrier today.  They're raising our premiums.  And then I realized, we'll be paying 3/4 the amount of what we pay for rent for our insurance premium.  We already pay over half the cost of our rent towards our stupid premiums.  Also, rent takes about 60% of my paycheck away from me.

Did I mention I live in subsidized housing?  Maybe there's a reason for that...

With our upcoming graduation, we will probably be giving up our health insurance.  Because as everyone says, health insurance is a luxury.  And since I can't live in and eat at the hospital, then I guess I have to give up health insurance.

Apparently, having a roof over your head is a luxury.  So is buying food from the grocery store.  So is having a job.  I must just be some lazy ass who can't do anything since I can't find a job (so say the political pigs)...

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