Saturday, February 4, 2012


I think I'm ready for life to happen now.  I hate thinking about the major milestones in life, and how I'm still waiting for mine to come.  One day I'll have a house.  And one day I'll have kids.  Et cetera.

But I want a house now...  We went and talked to a mortgage broker on Friday.  Pretty much we have everything in order other than the fact that our employment is still listed as contract positions.  We have the down payment ready, but we have to wait until our employment status goes to permanent.  And thanks to the economy, that could take anywhere from six months to two years.  Ugh, I'm sick of waiting.

Anyways, other than that disappointment in my life, things have been good.  I cut about three to seven inches off two weeks ago (I got it re-layered - because it used to be layered at one point).  I dyed my hair a week ago.  Jared is growing his hair out because I told him to.  We're considering getting another Yorkie.  And my birthday's coming up.  Oh boy, I'm getting old.  I still hold to the fact that you stop aging after 21.  You always think, "I can't wait until I'm 21."  And then it happens, and you just don't care for the fact that your age continues along afterwards...  Oh well.  I'm still excited because it will be the first day in a very long time that Jared and I will have off together.  That's right, I will see Jared's lovely face for about 16 hours give or take a few.

So here's to life happening (and hopefully faster than anticipated because I'm impatient)...

Before dye job.  Hair is a lighter brown.

After dye job.  My hair has a redder tint and is a little darker.  (You really can't tell it's been dyed from the pictures because I tend to pick similar colors.)  Can you also tell that I have no makeup on in this one?

And one of Jared (because I can).  Yes, he might kill me for posting it.  But it's proof that his hair is longer than usual...

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