Friday, December 2, 2011


So, I have learned quite a few things from driving in Wisconsin this past year.  And I thought I'd share some of those musings...

- Madison has two main lakes in the city (there's more than that but no one cares).  The capitol sits between those two lakes.  We live on the west side of the lakes.
- The freeway is on the east side of the lakes.  We never see the freeway unless we're driving far.  There's a belt line that goes around the southern portion of Madison (think of two lop-sided lakes as the eyes and the smiley face as the belt line - that's Madison in a happy way).
- I've never had to really drive in rush hour traffic.  Since there are multiple business areas, rush hour traffic mainly affects the southern side of Madison (the belt line).  I drive north and then east to work.  In essence, I go around the lake in the direction that most everyone else doesn't take.
- I get to drive to work when the sun rises.  I leave at about 6:50 every day.  That is the time the sun decides to come up.  By the time I get to work, there's plenty of sunshine.  I also get to drive home to the sunset, and I leave work at 4.  The closer December 22 is, the more likely the sun sets before I get home at 4:30.  This is my biggest regret with the Wisconsin move: it doesn't seem like there's enough sun in the winter time...
- Speed limits are only meant to be followed if it's snowing.  Everyone drives twenty over the speed limit no matter where you are at.  People only go the speed limit when it's snowing...
- Minnesotan drivers are the equivalent of Idahoan drivers in Utah.  Only instead of going ten under the limit like Idahoans do, Minnesotans go the speed limit.  And it drives Wisconsinites crazy...
- The drive home work isn't about the drive; it's about all the planning you can do via cell phone.  Fifty percent of drivers are on their phones in the afternoon drive.  I am completely for making it illegal to drive and talk on the phone at the same time (I'm sure I'm in the minority with this view).

Yeah, that's all I have.  My random thoughts while driving this week.

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