Saturday, August 28, 2010


So, my post is probably going to be full of random things...

First off, yesterday made me feel ashamed to be a female living in this world.  Why are women so prone to gossip?  It doesn't benefit anyone and all it really does it hurt people and turn potential acquaintances against you.  It occurred at work yesterday.  And that's probably all I care to share.  Also, gossipers lose my respect and I begin to wonder if they've ever had some type of formal education (in defense of my opinion - education should teach about the correct environment to gossip; an argument against my opinion - women of all levels of education have the ability to gossip and I guess men do too).

Next, I have my traveling assignments for the end of this year.  Exciting, right?  A little scary and nerve wrecking also.  My job travels to different hospitals to help set up our software and help users become familiar with the software.  I'm going to Atlanta during Halloween.  I plan on going out a day early, so I can visit my family for a little bit.  And then the week after that, I'm going to Ohio; can't remember the town currently.  I'll be sure to take lots of pictures (if I'm not dead-tired).

I'm excited for next week.  My first paycheck will be coming next week.  So, I've been working on a tentative budget.  It's kind of hard to guess where expenses will go considering the fact that I've gone from a poverty-living college student making under $1000 a month to a non-poverty full-time worker who will actually be paying taxes.  But anyways, here's the best part.  If Jared and I can stick to our tentative plan, we'll finish paying off our credit cards in two years as well as have enough for a down payment on a house.  And then we'll just be left with student loans which aren't as bad as credit cards (interest-wise).  I'm excited to actually be able to save money without starving.  And I enjoy the fact that I can go on dinner-dates with my husband on Fridays.

I have to say.  College was definitely worth it...  Well, the engineering major was definitely worth it.  Jared's still looking for a job and considering his options.  He might plan on just getting a crabby job for now and plan on going back to school once we gain residency here.  Who knows?  He'll find something.

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