Monday, February 7, 2011


I have decided the at-home H&R Block tax software is a piece of shit...  I have spent the better part of 6 hours preparing taxes.  And yes, I know I'm one of the very few who has to claim partial residency to two states, and almost no one will be in the same situation as me.  But still, the software should work for all cases.  So, why won't it file my Utah taxes correctly?  Because it's a piece of shit and the developers released broken software...

Now all I can hope for is that the software we produce at work works 110% better than this.  Granted, there's a major industry difference...  Also, I'm really hoping that the technical customer service support is better (since that is my job) than what we dealt with tonight.

I look forward to taxes being done and over with.  I'm also looking forward to the new bed we plan to get with our tax return.  It's about time, a ten year old mattress that has body imprints just doesn't cut it anymore...

1 comment:

  1. Most definitely time for a new mattress. Best. Idea. Ever.
