Saturday, October 9, 2010


You'd think I'd be over all of this amniotic band syndrome silliness...  As much as it is a part of me and no matter how much I accept it, I'll still always wonder why and what if things were different...

I must say that I am very thankful for living in Wisconsin.  I'm thankful for the coworkers I deal with, the friends I have, and the people I see at church.  Because no matter where I am or how much I may consider some one a friend, no one has asked me about my hands.  Maybe those friends are waiting to catch me alone or waiting to be good friends before asking, who knows?  But I haven't had to lay my whole life story out to acquaintances only to hear awkward silence followed by a mumbled, "I'm sorry" or something along those lines.  It's been nice to actually keep this knowledge to myself.  But it's also weird.

Maybe Utahns are more open with asking personal questions.  Or they're more nosey.  I'm sure I'm the nosiest person out there (yeah I kill the cat all of the time with curiosity).  And while there's nothing wrong with people asking me about my hands (usually, I'm not stand-offish when it comes to my hands), I just feel like the conversations can get very one-sided.  For example, having people ask me when I worked in retail, they didn't know me and had no business asking, yet they did.  And I didn't force them to spill their whole life story about why their eyes are blue or why they're so tall (you get my point, maybe).

It's nice not having to talk about it constantly.  But I still catch the subtle stares.  They look when they think I'm not watching.  Or when they're caught off guard by watching me type.  I do have to give people credit with how fast they can regain their composure and act like they didn't just witness something completely bizarre.

I'm happy with my hands.  Happy with who I am.  But some days, I have to indulge in the what-if's and how life could be different.  And while I'll never be able to answer the why's, I at least take comfort in the fact that God knew what He was doing when He created me.

On a completely different note (and not so personal), we went and saw Wicked last week.  It was awesome. I had a few reservations about it at first because of all the girls I've heard sing the songs (not so well, but kudos to not caring what I or others think).  But the musical was awesome.  And I look forward to the next one I get to attend.

The Music Hall or whatever it was they performed in was nice.  But it wasn't really built outwards.  Rather, it was built upwards.  The rows went up three seats as you went higher.  I was a little afraid of the height.

And before the musical, we went to a Mexican restaurant downtown.  It's probably the closest we've come to with good Mexican food out here (did I mention Wisconsin's like it completely bland and without spice?).  And while we were eating, we got to witness our first protest rally.  Now, let me remind you that Madison is super-super liberal, and it's a huge college town (think opposite of Logan's ultra-conservatism, and if you thought Logan was a college town, it's not big at all).  Anyways, can you guess what the protest was for?  It was for the legalization of marijuana.  I'm pretty sure I could count the people over the age of 30 joining in on the protest with one hand.  It was a lot of hooded, baggy pants, makes-you-want-to-pin-a-"Trouble"-sign-on guys.  Very interesting...  It certainly made my day, haha.

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