So, we are now in the process of training Gizmo to be a service dog. Now, what on earth can Gizmo do that makes him a service dog you might ask? Well, let's just say I'm going to use my hands as an excuse to make him a service dog. Now, anyone who knows me knows I would never call myself disabled or not able to do things because of my hands. But let's face it, I do have a harder time catching things or picking things up off of the ground with my right hand (whether that's due to my klutziness or my unfeeling, small fingers is not the question). That's right, Gizmo's going to learn how to pick things up off of the ground and hand them to me. So far, we've been working on it using his chew sticks (which he never chewed with anyways, so I thought it'd be okay). He figured out he gets rewarded for picking up the stick. And then he figured out he could chew the stick. So when he gets bored of you, he runs off and chews the stick... Soon enough, he'll be picking up pens...
From what I've been told, it's very, very easy to get a doctor's note stating your dog is a service animal. But I decided I'm going to make my dog legit. He is going to be able to pick things up for me and hand them to me. Whether I need the help or not know one will have to know... And honestly, this beats having to get rid of him because stupid rental places don't like dogs (smaller than a cat, can use a litter box like a cat - well, we're working on it anyways, and a lot funner than a cat)...
Gizmo is my other species kid. And that's all there is to it...