Saturday, November 20, 2010


Looking back on things, I always thought life would be easier once I got my degree.  And I would be super rich which was a definite bonus.

Well, life certainly isn't easier nor am I super rich.  Granted, I can go buy more milk and cereal without wondering how on earth I'm going to pay for it.  I can also go to the doctor's and be treated for a bladder infection without deciding which credit card I have to max out before getting treated.  With the whole money situation, Jared and I barely break even each month.  But I guess that's okay for now.

We've set aside a small portion each month to donate to whatever we want to.  And it makes me happy that we're able to do that.  Granted it's not much and most people would laugh at us for donating so little, but we're donating consistently.  And the fall-back donation so far has become something related to USU.  And maybe with time, that monthly donation will become a bigger portion.  But for now, it'll do.  I'm happy we're doing it even if it may cause a little stress to us at the end of the month (I get paid at the beginning of each month).

And the best financial part?  Our credit card balances are not going up.  They're going down.  Granted, it's a super slow process, and I spend some moments wondering why I'm making a big payment on it when I could be using the money on something else.  Or how I'm tied to my student loans for the next ten years.  And if I pay double the amount due, I'm still strapped for a few more years.  There's no immediate gratification to paying debt off.  But I'm sure the day I pay off these credit cards and student loans, there will be a lot of gratification and lots of rejoicing...

What I did the last four years was worth it all.  I'm happy with where I'm at.  And while I'm not that super rich person that I envisioned being, I can live without worrying about money.  And it's nice.

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