Friday, April 8, 2011


Jared and I decided to read the nutritional labels while grocery shopping.  And wow, there's a lot of sodium and bad stuff in the food out there.  Needless to say, we bought a lot of organic and healthier stuff.  It was an expensive shopping trip.  Let's see if the food tastes better or the same.  Can I handle organic food?  Can I handle healthier foods?  Hmm...

I'm enjoying my three day weekend.  I've been running a lot of errands and cleaning the house.  It's nice to do almost nothing.  It's supposed to get really warm this weekend.  Mid 60s to lower 70s.  Exciting.  I'm glad to be home.

Gizmo got his Spring cut today.  I didn't do anything too severe by saying chop all of his hair off.  So, he still has quite a bit.  And I'm beginning to think they didn't use a shaver but actually cut his hair with scissors.  The groomer said I did a good job maintaining his hair throughout winter.  In other words, he had absolutely no mattes, and his hair was very smooth to the touch.

Last Saturday, my coworker and I went to Virginia City, Nevada.  It's an old ghost town turned tourist town.  There were a lot of older buildings and shopping areas.  It was also very windy.  Anyways, I had lots of fun learning Virginia City's history and window-shopping.

Where we ate lunch.  It was an old saloon.  I didn't get a picture of the bar.  Thought of that mistake after the fact...

I believe the name of this church is St Mary's in the Mountains or something like that.  It's one of the oldest Catholic churches in the US.  I got to attend mass in it.  I enjoyed it.

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