Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sick Puppy

If today has been any glance into the future to help me understand what it's like to have kids, then I think I can wait on the having kids part....  My day began with Gizmo waking me up with his dry heaves.  I then had to rush him into the bathroom, so he could puke on the linoleum (it's easier to clean up than carpet and fabric).

And that's pretty much how my day's been all day.  Gizmo coughing, puking, and dry heaving.  He's puked on me, two blankets, the couch cover, his bed, and various parts of the floor.  And as frustrated as this makes me, I have to try to hide it.  Because Gizmo tries to hide after puking if my voice reeks of frustration.

DId I mention I've been a little sick today?  I came down with a light cold on Friday.  It's been a lot of congestion, and my husband bought me some Sudafed today which has helped.  I also got my tetanus shot on Friday.  So anything touching my arm or putting any kind of pressure on my arm is painful.

We'll be driving down to Georgia on Wednesday.  I'm so excited to be with family this Christmas!!!  I'm not looking forward to the drive, but it'll be worth it.  I'm also planning on working between 10 and 12 hour shifts at work the beginning of this week.  That way I can get as close to my 40 hours this week as possible.

So, throw your happy thoughts my way to help me survive the hard parts of this week.  Because in the end, it'll all be worth it.  (I'm excited to see family!)

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