Sunday, September 27, 2009

My Brother

So, they found my brother last week. And, the very-much-expected-but-you-still-hope-to-not-hear-it news is he failed his drug test. So, I don't know what's going to happen to him. I was really hoping he would choose to stay sober and drug-free this time around. But, that's my wish for him, and all that really matters is what he wants to do... He'll be eighteen in three and a half months. I hope he finds his way before then. I don't want to have a brother in and out of prison. But as people say: once an addict, always an addict. The most difficult path is the sober one.

I miss you Matthew.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Six Flags

Aah!!!! The best amusement park ever is flooded... It's depressing. And by the way, I'm talking about Six Flags over Georgia.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

The Secret Life of Bees

I very much enjoyed this movie, and I would recommend it to anyone who enjoys dramas set in the South during the 1960s. Or maybe just dramas, period. It's basically about a girl who's trying to find herself by trying to retrace her mother's past. It's just a good movie. The only issue I had is the scene with Alicia Keys playing the cello. It's very difficult to seem like you're playing the cello when you're not. But when there's vibrato in the song, and the hand's not moving, then you can definitely tell the cello's not being played. And it was Alicia Keys, a very musical-oriented person; I thought she'd be able to pull off the fake playing. Anyways, good movie, go see it!

Friday, September 18, 2009


Warning!! If I can not see the front of the car behind me (meaning their WAY TOO CLOSE to my car), I release the gas pedal. And when we're going uphill, that's worse than braking (at least with the brakes, you get fair warning). Honestly, getting closer to my car does not make me go faster. Reality is, I will lower my speed to one mile under the speed limit and hit cruise control.

Please be a good driver and don't tailgate the person in front of you (hey, this goes for me too because I know I'm a bad driver sometimes also).

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Picture Post

I love this picture taken from my engagements. It's probably the most public affection you'll ever see from either of us. But I still love the picture. I also enjoy the one of our shadows. I wanted that picture just for fun. It was taken on our honeymoon.

So, my bridal shower is this saturday. And yes, usually the bridal shower comes before the wedding. But everyone thought the other side of the family had already thrown a shower for me; therefore, none were thrown. So, my mum-in-law and sisters-in-laws are throwing me one. I think it'll be fun...

Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is my future drum set for Rock Band... My current drumset decided to be retarded and have one of the buttons break. I've also gone through two different foot pedals. The first time I broke the foot pedal, I duct-taped it and called it good. It wasn't so good when the duct-tape didn't hold, and the spring went into my foot. Yeah, I want a high quality drum set. Now if only I had the money for one...

Oh, and I've decided that Rock Band is better than Guitar Hero. Maybe it was just the song selection; I don't know. All I know is we have a lot of songs downloaded on Rock Band, and I like those songs.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

It's Not Fair...

I have spent the last four hours doing my physical chemistry homework. I would say overall, I have spent about twenty hours on it. That's two hours per problem. And I've decided it's not fair. Homework really, really stinks. And the fact that I still have my biochemical engineering homework to do (which will probably take double the time) really, really sucks. It's ridiculous. And after three years, I really want to call it quits. It's as if I don't like engineering any more.

I told Jared that I was quitting engineering and going to become an elementary teacher. That sounds a lot more exciting right now...

Friday, September 11, 2009

Livejournal Posts

So, I think I've figured out how to customize my site... I thought I'd give the links to my livejournal stuff. I need to find that one website that lets me save my journal to a pdf... One day, I'll get to that.
My livejournal (Note: some of the posts are friends only, so you might not see all of them unless you friend me on LJ.)

I can't wait for my wedding pictures. Jared's brother is still editting them. So, I'm still waiting... But I know they'll be great.

Now I must get to my homework. My group is writing the design proposal tomorrow, and I've yet to read my articles and write brief summaries...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Figuring out this blog...

So, I realized I created this account over a year ago. And since Livejournal is going downhill, I've decided to transfer my online blog to this site. More to come eventually after I figure out how to work this blog site...