Saturday, May 5, 2012


So, I meant to post something regarding how my birthday went.  But that never happened.  And then a month turned into two months.  Wow, I've really neglected this blog.  Granted, I don't think there's a lot of people out there reading about my every day life.

So...  Here's an update on everything:

  • Jared is a permanent employee at an internet and phone service company doing tech support.
  • I will be a permanent employee at a laboratory playing with chemicals and testing foods.
  • We have decided to wait another year before continuing our search for a house.  The reasoning behind this, is we want to live in a good neighborhood and therefore probably need a higher down payment.  For the price range we want, we have a little over 5% of our down payment in savings.  And considering we spent a year saving up, I'm fairly certain we can get it to 10 by this time next year.  Besides, we're happy with where we're currently living.
  • We are almost done paying off our credit card debt.  You know, the debt we took on while in college over two years ago?  Yeah, it amounted to $6000 if I remember correctly.  And no, I've never revealed that amount until now.  We are currently under a grand (and no, I won't tell you how much we have left).  With our current financial plans, we will probably have it paid off in the next two months.  And then we're just left with our student loans (amazing how money can make you go crazy).
  • My obsession with books has grown to a tipping point.  With my book blog, I thought I'd be encouraged to read the books sitting on my shelves.  Instead, that amount doubled.  But I've met some pretty awesome people through blogging: authors and fellow bloggers.
  • Gizmo is still the same-old-same-old dog.  He's super clingy with me.  Hopefully, he'll adjust better when my work schedule changes to 4-10s.
  • I bought an awesome looking dress yesterday.  Sorry, no pictures.  Maybe when I'm feeling like a less lazy person...
And that's about it in a nutshell.  We are planning a trip to Utah in October for my brother's wedding.  Other than that, I'm not sure what our plans are for the rest of the year.  I know I'll still be reading!  (And hopefully still giddy with life!)

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